Thursday, January 22, 2015

The Weimer Republic

   Article 13
Reich law breaks state law
If there are doubts or opposing opinions regarding if a state regulation harmonizes with Reich law, the respective Reich or central state authority may request according to the specification of Reich law,  Reich supreme court to decide in the matter.
   The article's meaning is as follows:  it states that those who live under the governing law and are unsatisfied with the governing law can petition the surpeme court to make such ruling to seek change on the local level.  This displays that the people of the said governing state or locality have the right to questions the governments laws placed upon said society.

 Article 120
It is the supreme oligation and natural right of the parents to raise their offspring to bodily, spiritual and social fitness, the governmental authority supervises it.
The article states that the parents of children under age are responible for their up brining on a emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness under the Reich law.  The law places control in the hands of the parent but warns that if the offspring are not protected the government has the right to intervene.
 My interpertation of this passage is that if the parents of under age children are held to the highest level of the childs totaol wellness for example: education, food, shelter and clothing which are all basic necessities in which America holds their parent so.  I believe that Article 120 would be fitting to today's society.  The youth of today lack respect and are so self absorbed within their own lives and are not able to grasp what life is truly about.  


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