Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Luxemburg Passage

The Luxemburg passage I choose states the following:
   The more that soical democracy develops, grows, and becomes stronger, the more the enlightened masses of workers will take their own destinies, the leadership of their movement, and the determination of its direction into their hands.  And as the entire social democracy movement is only the conscious advance  guard of the proletarian class movement, which in the words of the Communist Manifesto represents in every single moment of the struggle the permanent interests of the liberation and the partical group interest of the work force vis a vis the interests of the movement as whole, so within the social democracy its leaders are the more powerful, the more influential, the more clearly and consciously they make themselves merely the mouthpiece of the will and striving of the enlightened masses, merely the agents of the objective laws of the class movement.

This passage speacks to major events that took place in the last 2 elections of President Obama.  The passage speack to how his campaign was a grassroot effort that spoke to the voters who felt that they were the 99% of Americas the Repulican Candidate Romney didn't want to waste time seeking their vote back in 2011.  People will back a politican that is willing to have dialogue with the voters about their concerns for example economic, jobs, and education.  When America was introduced to a little known Congressman from Chicago who first got his feet wet at the Democratic Convention before entering the race for President.  He was a regular man who came from humble beginnings.  Obama prides himself on speaking for and to the people.  Obama's "power" comes from his ability to meet his voters right were they work and live.  

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